I feel like I’m super into spiritual discoveries and analysis right now. Anyone else catching that vibe?? My most recent spiritual investigation was having a private aura photography reading. The private session included having my photograph taken and discussing what my aura colors meant afterwards. There was even a little bit of channeling! Read below for more information on my experience and where to get your aura read in Chicago.
What is an Aura Photography Reading?

Aura photography readings are when a photograph is taken of you while your hands are being read on panels to – literally – analyze your aura through colors. The colors that come to surface are a visual snapshot of your current energy. They can also show what you are attracting into your life within the next 3-6 months! Pretty cool, right?
Aura Photography Readings with Revealing Soul
Revealing Soul, a spiritual – and super sweet – guide named Cindy Luffred, is located in the city of Chicago. Her sessions are run out of her apartment in the Gold Coast neighborhood, which provides a very calm and homey atmosphere for the experience. Her apartment, by the way, is the most gorgeously decorated apartment I have ever been in #goals. Private Aura Photography sessions are $55 each for 20 minutes. While this might seem like a short period of time, the session is jam packed of great information. There is also a group option available, as well as private and group for Channeled Medium Readings.
What Happens in a Private Session?

I choose to do a Private Aura Photography session with Revealing Soul – and I’m so glad I did! The session began promptly with me arriving at Cindy’s apartment, sitting on a bench, and placing my hands/palms flat on two panel readers. I then stared into the aura photography machine for about 10 seconds, with my hands still on the plates, while it read my aura and took my picture. The image popped out like a Polaroid! Cindy took me to the kitchen where we sat and chatted about my image results – and Kate Spade iphone cases :). She had me record her analysis on my phone, which I am SO THANKFUL for. There’s no way I could remember everything on my own! I recommend doing the same, you’ll want to catch every bit of information.
What Do the Colors Mean?
The meaning of colors in an aura photo is a little different for everyone based on where they are located on your body, what side of the image they land, and how much of a color there is. There were many colors that showed in my aura photo – remember, there are no bad ones! – however gold and yellow were very predominant for me. Read below for my specific analysis of each color based on where they are located on the photo!
Colors To The Left, To The Left (Cue Beyonce)
Colors to the left show what you are working on today. These could be things you have been going through and things you have been thinking about a lot lately. Gold and yellow were my two predominant colors to the left of my aura photograph. Gold can be a “golden opportunity” is around the corner. Since I have a lot of it, it can also mean that there is a transition or change of some sort in which I need to go with the flow. The yellow symbolizes leaving behind the feeling of “being stuck” energy and ushering in a new phase or chapter.
Colors To The Right
Colors to the right are what you are attracting in within the next 3-6 months. Your actions and thoughts today are attracting your future reality! Colors above the head symbolize what the universe is bringing in. This is why it is always important to think positive. Striping (between the blue and green on my photo to the right) literally means a move or a change is coming. This can be moving apartments (we are thinking of moving), switching jobs or titles, getting a new certificate, etc. It symbolizes giving “birth” to something new. A new chapter is about to start and help get rid of all the “stuck” energy.
Colors Above & Everywhere Else
Colors above the head and everywhere else is what the universe is bringing in as your “theme” for the year. Above consisted of A LOT more yellow and gold – surprise, surprise. There was, however, also pink. Pink brings in love, joy, and romance. Pink above the head means that I will meet someone new. Now before you freak out, meeting someone new is not always romantic. This could be a new best friend, mentor, boss, etc. I also had pink over my mind and heart, symbolizing that I am ready to take the next step in my relationship. My inner child wants to be a wife, but also wants to make sure my career is fulfilling. While discussing this Cindy picked up that Vince and I were school sweethearts!
Purple over your stomach symbolized that I was very spiritual, had great intuition, and a spot-on gut feeling. While these are great skills to have, my head can sometimes get in the way, even though my feelings towards something is usually always right. People with this are usually a good resource for others that want insight and an honest opinion. They can tune into others’ energies.
Orange shows someone who is very creative and could be a great entrepreneur. Where I am now is not my forever job – her words! – and while I like the work I am doing, an opportunity is presenting itself to welcome change.
White streaks mean that I am doing what I need to do and I am where I need to be. This was reassuring! The one thing Cindy mentioned as a ‘need’ was a need for more balance. Having a lot of colors is great, however a balance between them could be better.

What Was Unexpected
During the photograph analysis, Cindy also gave me a small taste of channeling. This is where she picks up on other, more specific energy that I am giving off. The most unexpected channeling moment was when she asked if I had a grandma that passed. My Grandma McHugh passed last year, and it is honestly still a sensitive subject for me. Cindy said she saw roses, and I explained how my grandma loved to garden and that flowers and butterflies remind me of her. Believe what you want, but I was totally caught off guard, and in awe, with this!
Was It Worth It?
Absolutely. Not only is aura photography reading a unique experience, it is also catered specifically to you. This means that no two readings will be alike, which is pretty cool. For those that are like me, always looking for truth and insight, this was a relaxing and validating experience that I would absolutely do again. I would even try one of Cindy’s channeling sessions!