Dead Sea Mud Wrap at The Steamboat Grand Spa
We recently went to Steamboat Springs, Colorado for a weekend getaway. While Vince spent the trip doing group snowboarding lessons and hitting the slopes, the weekend was all about wanderlust and relaxation for me. The hotel we picked, due to its close proximity to the lifts, conveniently had a spa. I love a little pampering on vacation! It’s safe to say that spas have been my new interest. When looking at the different treatment options, I wanted to spend the whole day there, but decided to start with one body treatment: the Dead Sea Mud Wrap at The Steamboat Grand Spa.

Treatment Options at the Steamboat Grand Spa
Viewing The Steamboat Grand Spa’s treatment descriptions online was pretty easy. You can book online, however it only gives you date options, not times. For this reason I booked my appointment over the phone about two weeks before arrival to make sure I could get the time slot I desired. I recommend doing this as well before your arrival! There’s nothing I love more than a heated wrap, so I choose one of the Steamboat Grand Spa’s most popular body treatments, the Dead Sea Mud Wrap, for $150. Compared to other hotel spas, I thought this was a pretty standard price for a body treatment service. You can view all of the pricing options here.

What’s Included with the Dead Sea Mud Wrap?
The Dead Sea Mud Wrap lasted 75 minutes and included not only a wrap, but also time for a basic Swedish massage. I personally am not a fan of full body massages, and did not know that a massage was part of the treatment when booking. You’ll notice that the Dead Sea Mud Wrap description does not say this. I was willing to try the massage portion, but did not want to give half the time to it. For this reason, I asked to have more time in the wrap with only 10 min left for the massage.
The Dead Sea Mud Wrap body treatment starts off with the whole body being exfoliated from neck to toe, followed by the mud. Make sure to put your hair up in a bun to avoid getting it in your hair! The mud was medium thickness, slippery, super dark, and chalk-full of minerals. The application was cool to the skin at first, quickly regulating to my body temperature. The body is sealed and cocooned in a plastic layer, followed by a heated blanket on top. I was left to relax for about 15 minutes. Following rinsing off the mud in the room’s shower, there was about 10 minutes left for a light, Swedish massage. I still am not a fan of massages, however I am glad I tried it. I really liked the Himalayan salt squares used to massage the upper neck and back!
Next time I would defiantly add a face treatment and spend half a day at the spa. Read more about what to do in Steamboat Springs, Colorado in this city guide!